Submission Forms
Please be advised, if pests of regulatory significance are identified on submitted samples, we are required to notify the New Mexico Department of Agriculture.
When submitting samples for analysis:
- Always use a submission form:
- For information on how to collect the best sample please see the Guidelines For Submitting Samples
- Providing as much information on the form as possible will help in ensuring an accurate diagnosis of the problem
- Make sure you include the form with your sample. You may also want to keep one copy of the form for your records.
- Include your fax number or email address and indicate how you would prefer to receive the results.
- It is helpful if the sample is taken from an area that has early symptoms of the problem. Areas that are completely dead are insufficient for diagnosis.
- Please include a check for the appropriate amount when submitting to the clinic directly. See the Fee Schedule for additional information. Checks need to be made out to NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic
- Updated Guidelines For Sample Submission
- Fee Schedule
- Plant Specimen Submission Form
- Insect Identification Form
- Plant and Weed Identification Form
- Turf Nematode Sampling Submission Form
- Nematode Soil Analysis Submission Form

The NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic is located in Skeen Hall on the NMSU Campus in Las Cruces, NM. (Photo: Van H. Gilbert Architect PC)